Cover, Traktor Leonard fährt den Feldweg entlang, drei Trakoren schauen ihm hinterher
Cover, Traktor Leonard fährt den Feldweg entlang, drei Trakoren schauen ihm hinterher
Innenseite, Traktor Leonard steht mit einem kleinen Transporter auf dem Waldweg neben Obstbäumen
Innenseite, Traktor Leonard steht zusammen mit einer Kuh, Hühnern und einer Katze
Interior view 4
Interior view 5

The Small Colourful Buggy World – Tractor Leonard’s Vehicle Friends & Farm

The new favourite companion on the go for the youngest of readers.

These buggy books with colourful illustrations provide many motifs on the all-time favourite subjects meadow and farm animals, garden and ocean, farm and forest, vehicles and construction site, jungle and savannah, and baby animals and service vehicles to marvel at.
With the band included in each bundle, the books are easily fastened to the buggy to be always close at hand.

There is always something going on at the farm! No surprise that tractor Leonard and his vehicle friends have their tyres full…
There is a lot to marvel at and discover in these lovely illustrated buggy books for the tiniest ones.

Board Book
Board book
Publication Date:
11,0 x 11,0 cm


Further Titles in the Series

Creative People


Ever since she was a child, Suza Kolb has made up stories about fierce and cheeky characters – on four or just two legs. For a long time, writing had only been a hobby for the Rhinelander who now lives in Bavaria. Nowadays, the weird adventures of her heroes are becoming actual books. She mostly finds inspiration in her immediate surroundings.


Christine Faust studied toy and teaching aids design and should therefore design toys. However, she loves drawing even more, which is why she illustrates children’s books and games and also works in the animation industry for film and television. Christine Faust lives in Magdeburg where she likes to send her children on Easter egg hunts.