Cover, ein Baum, auf dessen Ästen Tiere sitzen, die in unterschiedlichen Lebensräumen auf Bäumen leben
Cover, ein Baum, auf dessen Ästen Tiere sitzen, die in unterschiedlichen Lebensräumen auf Bäumen leben
Innenseite, verschiedene Tiere, die im Baum leben, Buntspecht, Eichhörnchen, Honigbienen, Waldkauz, Baummader
Interior view 3
Interior view 4

Sneak a Peek into the Treetops

A colourful board book about an exciting journey into the treetops playfully imparting first factual knowledge about the animals that live there.
Take a peek into the treetops – and now even deeper between the leaves and branches: There, owls, squirrels, sloths, and koalas live. Do you know how a squirrel spends its days, why koalas cuddle with eucalyptus leaves, and why lions sometimes sit in trees? No? Then let’s climb up into the trees and find out! There’s a lot going on here!
Rights Sold:
Board Book
Board book
Recommended Age:
Publication Date:
23,0 x 29,0 cm
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Magellan GmbH & Co. KG
Dr.-Robert-Pfleger-Straße 6
96052 Bamberg

E-Mail: produktsicherheit@magellanverlag.de

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If the product is a game, the information in the description text applies.


Further Titles in the Series

Creative People

Author & Illustrator

Nastja Holtfreter was born in Berlin, Germany, in 1977, where she still lives today with her husband and her two daughters. After studying graphic design, she worked for a media agency. There, she developed and animated various figures and illustrations for children’s TV-programmes. She now works as a freelancer illustrating post cards, paper goods and book covers. Developing her own picture books is what she likes best.