Cover, ein Mädchen und ein Junge laufen durch den Wald
Innenseite, ein Mädchen und ein Junge tollen über eine farbige Blumenwiese, unten eine Auflistung mit besonderen Worten
Interior view 3
Interior view 4

Oh, How Wonderful Is Our Year!

A book to discover the beauty of language filled with extraordinary words and lush images.

driftwood – hayfever – daydream – whirlwind

Whether it’s hopping puddles in spring, doing somersaults on a summer meadow, listening to the crackle of a bonfire in autumn, or making oneself cosy at home in winter, life is full of magical moments and colourful images. To do them justice, our language contains many special and wonderful words capturing their essence. Accompany Sara, Noah, and their cat Bonnie throughout their year and learn 140 figurative and unique words and their meaning.

Story Book
Recommended Age:
Publication Date:
17,5 x 24,5 cm
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Creative People


Blanca Millán was born in 1991 in Spain and has basically always had a pen or paint brush in hand. Thus, it comes as no surprise that she got a Master’s degree in Fine Arts. Since becoming a mother, she has been illustrating children’s books and writing her own stories. Since 2017, she has illustrated more than 40 titles for the Spanish market.